Administration and General Use - NEMSIS 3.5 Changes
NEMSIS Usage | Description |
Mandatory | Must be completed and does not allow for NOT values |
Required | Must be completed and allows NOT values |
Recommended | Does not need to be completed and allows NOT values |
Optional | Does not need to be completed and does not allow for NOT values |
These changes affect system configurations and will only be available for administrators or users with elevated permissions.

A new 'NEMSIS v3 Demographics' section has been added to each state's General Configuration so administrators can configure the following state-specific information. This information will be included in the demographics file and will repeat for each state it is configured for:
ZOLL emsCharts field name | NEMSIS element ID | NEMSIS field name | NEMSIS usage |
Service Capabilities | dConfiguration.11 | EMS Agency Specialty Service Capability |
Recommended |
Routinely Bill Patients | dConfiguration.12 | Billing Status |
Optional |
EMD Provided | dConfiguration.13 | Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) Provided to EMS Agency Service Area |
Mandatory |
EMD Vendors | dConfiguration.14 | EMD Vendor |
Recommended |
Patient Monitoring | dConfiguration.15 | Patient Monitoring Capability(ies) |
Recommended |
Configuration: Service > Export > State-Specfic Configuration > [select state] > General Configuration > NEMSIS v3 Demographics.

A 'Not Applicable' checkbox has been added for the following fields:
ZOLL emsCharts field name | NEMSIS element ID | NEMSIS field name | NEMSIS usage |
Service Area Size (sq. mi) | dAgency.16 | Total Primary Service Area Size |
Recommended |
Service Area Population | dAgency.17 | Total Service Area Population |
Recommended |
Call Volume/Year | dAgency.18 | 911 EMS Call Center Volume per Year |
Recommended |
EMS Dispatch Volume/Year | dAgency.19 | EMS Dispatch Volume per Year |
Recommended |
EMS Patient Contact Volume/Year | dAgency.21 | EMS Patient Contact Volume per Year |
Recommended |
EMS Transport Volume/Year | dAgency.20 | EMS Transport Volume per Year |
Recommended |
Billing Calls/Year | dAgency.22 | EMS Billable Calls per Year |
Recommended |
Configuration: Service > Export > General NEMSIS Export Configuration > Service Demographic Setup > Service Demographics Yearly Statistics > EDIT VALUES.

A 'Not Applicable' option has been added to the list of selectable values for the following fields:
ZOLL emsCharts field name | NEMSIS element ID | NEMSIS field name | NEMSIS usage |
Service Capabilities | dConfiguration.11 | EMS Agency Specialty Service Capability |
Recommended |
Patient Monitoring | dConfiguration.15 | Patient Monitoring Capability(ies) |
Recommended |
Configuration: Service > Export > General NEMSIS Export Configuration > Service Demographic Setup.

The list of facility types has been updated. The description for 'Rehabilitation Facility' has changed to 'Physical Rehabilitation Facility' and the following options have been added:
Diagnostic Services
Drug and/or Alcohol Rehabilitation Facility
Freestanding Emergency Department
Other EMS Responder (air)
Other EMS Responder (ground)
Other Recurring Care Center
Skilled Nursing Facility
Configuration: Service > Code Tables > Common Addresses > NEMSIS3 Demographic Fac Type.

'Stroke Center' has been removed and the following values have been added:
Cancer Center
Labor and Delivery
Stroke-Acute Stroke Ready Hospital (ASRH)
Stroke-Comprehensive Stroke Center (CSC)
Stroke-Primary Stroke Center (PSC)
Stroke-Thrombectomy-Capable Stroke Center (TSC)
Configuration: Hospitals > [select hospital] > Capability > ADD+.
General use
These changes affect system configurations for administrators, as well as configurations and fields available to users without elevated permissions.

A new value of 'None' has been added to the 'Immunizations Type' selection list when editing user accounts.
User / My Account > General > Edit Immunizations > Type.
Service > User Roster > [select personnel] > EDIT > Edit Immunizations > Type.

ePatient.13 - Gender (Required)
dPersonnel.12 - EMS Personnel's Gender (Recommended)
The gender selection list has been updated to include all of the following options:
Female-to-Male, Transgender Male
Male-to-Female, Transgender Female
Neutral/Neither Exclusively Male or Female
Not Applicable
- User / My Account > General > Gender.
Service > User Roster > [select personnel] > EDIT > Gender.

The following values have been removed:
First Responder
'Emergency Medical Technician - Intermediate' has been added and "2009" has been removed from all descriptions.
NEMSIS element ID and name | ZOLL emsCharts user and administrator configurations | NEMSIS usage |
dAgency.11 - Level of Service |
Mandatory |
dConfiguration.06 - EMS Certification Levels Permitted to Perform Each Procedure |
Mandatory |
dConfiguration.08 - EMS Certification Levels Permitted to Administer Each Medication |
Mandatory |
dPersonnel.24 - EMS Personnel's State EMS Certification Licensure Level |
Recommended |
dPersonnel.29 - EMS Personnel's National Registry Certification Level |
Optional |
dPersonnel.38 - EMS Personnel's Practice Level |
Optional |
dVehicle.05 - Crew State Certification/Licensure Levels |
Optional |